March 1, 2013
1.3 Release – Purchase Orders!
RepairQ 1.3 release is now live! Now you can create purchase orders and create inventory items in batches. Keep tabs on your ordered items, and create inventory items from your PO with a click of a button! You can add items to a purchase order in three ways: From your Reorder Required list (all items [...]
February 5, 2013
1.2.9 Release
RepairQ 1.2.9 release is now live! You can now set reorder points and reorder amounts for each location. Customer search vastly improved. You can search for first name, last name, first + last name, last + first name, phone number, or serial number of a repair device. Re-organized and re-styled the dashboard (home page) with [...]
January 29, 2013
1.2.8 Release
RepairQ 1.2.8 release is now live! This release features: WYSIWYG editor for notes and announcements! Additional html formatting for ticket notes is now available, including pictures! You can now delete ticket notes You can now remove payments You can override tax on a ticket independent of the mail order feature You can add notes to [...]
January 22, 2013
1.2.7 Release
RepairQ 1.2.7 release is now live! This release features: Ticket Location transfer system: Managers and Shift Leads can now transfer tickets to a different location from the ticket list Added prevention for many of the “mysterious” ticket errors, mostly related to the ticket devices (notes that are too long, serial numbers with spaces, etc.) Other [...]
January 15, 2013
1.2.6 Release
RepairQ 1.2.6 release is now live! This release features: You can now create global/generic warranties/disclaimers that will apply to all tickets. This is in addition to the ability to create warranties/disclaimers that apply that apply to specific items. Increased the prominence of ticket notes that are flagged as important. Added a character counter to the [...]
January 8, 2013
1.2.5 Release
RepairQ 1.2.5 release is now live! This release features: New user role: Accountant! You can now mark a user as an “Accountant” to give them access to the reports section, and view-only access of tickets and inventory for all of your locations. We have added a changelog history for the inventory when viewing all the [...]
December 19, 2012
1.2.4 Release
RepairQ 1.2.4 release is now live! This release features: Updated Add Repair Device form – serial number, carrier, and description are no longer required, and they now show up at the end of the form instead of the beginning Add Repair Device form – catalog item select now sorts items in alphabetical order in Google [...]
December 12, 2012
1.2.3 Release
RepairQ 1.2.3 release is now live! This release features: New Cash Flow reports – shows transactions by date New Reports Layout New Sales ticket status – layaway status available if you have a sales ticket created with a customer attached, and at least 1 ticket item. This allows you to save sales tickets without a [...]
December 4, 2012